Salvo Thread Rolls
If you have a larger number of parts to make, rolling is the most efficient method of producing threaded parts. The tool cost per part is less expensive and the rolling process is much faster.
The rolled thread is approximately 30% stronger and is generally more consistent dimensionally than the cut thread.
Salvo manufactures thread rolls that fit all major attachments including: Winters, Reed, Detroit, and Davenport.

Salvo Repair Parts
Salvo maintains a full line of replacement parts for their attachments as well as a few parts for other manufacturer’s attachments.
You may contact us by Phone: 810-346-2727, Fax: 810-346-2616, or E-mail:

Salvo Holders
Salvo Tool designs and builds many different rolling attachments for many different machines and jobs. Salvo Attachments have always been made in the U.S.A. and have a 24 month normal use warranty
Let us give you a quote. Send us a print & the machine (domestic or import) and position that you wish to use and we will send you a quote.

Salvo Adapters
Attaching a Salvo Thread Roll Holder to your machine is generally as simple as 4 bolts
with Salvo’s custom line of machine specific Adapters.
-No airlines required-

Serrations, Splines & Knurls
Salvo designs and manufactures many different types of Serrations, Splines & Knurls. We design tooling as well as make dies for your present tooling (ours or theirs).

Salvo Burnishing Rolls
Salvo manufactures Burnishing Rolls.
You may contact us by Phone: 810-346-2727, Fax: 810-346-2616, or E-mail:

Salvo Oil Grooves
Salvo Tool designs & manufactures many different types of oil grooves. Let us give you a quote. Send us a print, the machine and position that you wish to use, the type of material that you will be rolling, and any other particulars for your part and we will send you a quote

Salvo Worm Rolls
Salvo Tool designs & manufactures many different types of worm rolls.

Our Services

Get a PDF version of Salvo’s “Thread Rolling on the Automatic” Third Edition Handbook. Just fill out the information below to download to your computer, tablet or phone or call us today for a Printed copy.